Descubra o Beisebol em Campo Grande: História e Eventos

A Associação Campograndense de Beisebol convida você a explorar nosso site. Conheça nosso histórico, categorias, eventos e muito mais. Junte-se a nós na divulgação do beisebol, softbol e gatebol em Campo Grande, MS. Acesse nosso calendário e galeria de fotos para ficar por dentro!

5/8/20241 min read

A fenced sports field surrounded by a chain-link fence and grassy area, with trees and light posts in the background. The field appears to be for baseball or softball, as there are visible backstops and bases. The sky is overcast, contributing to a subdued lighting.
A fenced sports field surrounded by a chain-link fence and grassy area, with trees and light posts in the background. The field appears to be for baseball or softball, as there are visible backstops and bases. The sky is overcast, contributing to a subdued lighting.

Beisebol em Campo Grande